Nykiel, Luke
- 0403 371 209
- admin@solarpsych.com
- http://www.solarpsych.com/
BBehSc (Hons I), MClinPsych, ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist
Ryan, Dr Alyssa
- (07) 2103 2361
- alyssa@thriveclinpsych.com.au
- https://www.thriveclinpsych.com.au/
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist and EFT Supervisor, DPsych MAPS FCCLP STAP
Le Mar, Karen
- +642108685097
- karen@reflexionsnz.co.nz
- https://www.nzceft.org/therapists/karen-le-mar
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist & Supervisor-in-Training, GradDip Counselling Practise, RN (NZ only), MN (hons), PGCert Hlth Sciences (professional supervision)
Gerrits, Astrid
- 0466 126 316
- astrid.icams@gmail.com
- http://www.astridcounsellingmediation.com/
Ba in Psychology Social Work, Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) post grad
Mueller, Allard
- +65 6733 9249
- allard@sacac.sg
- https://www.sacac.sg/team-member/allard-mueller.php
Master in Counselling
Wilson, Dr Jenni
- (07) 3129 9396
- reception@eft-australia.com.au
- https://www.eft-australia.com.au/meet-our-therapists/dr-jenni-wilson/
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor-in-training
Ong, Aaron
- 0499 513 915
- https://alivecounselling.com.au/about
Master of Counselling Practice, Externship in EFT, Core Skills A, Core Skills B (ICEEFT A)
Burgess, Rosanna
- 0431283071
- rosie@growtogether.space
- http://www.growtogether.space
Externship in EFT
Fitzgerald, Dr Jenny
- (07) 3129 9396
- training@eft-australia.com.au
- https://www.eft-australia.com.au/meet-our-therapists/dr-jenny-fitzgerald/
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
Rabold, Sabina
- 0419 980 923
- Sabina@SabinaRabold.com
- http://www.SabinaRabold.com
Master of Counselling, Externship in EFT
Zahradnickova, Veronika
- 0402657676
- veronika.zahradnickova@protonmail.com
- http://www.veronikazahradnickova.com/
EFT Core Skills, EFIT Mastering Skills, BA Intercultural Communication, BA Psychology (currently finishing)
McMahon, Irina
- 0432807945
- couplebuckle@gmail.com
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/counselling/irina-mcmahon-ridgehaven-sa/1071859
Bachelor of Counselling and Psychotherapy