The following texts are recommended to all therapists. A majority of these resources are linked to Booktopia, however other providers may also stock the same texts in hardcover, softcover and ebook options.

An Emotionally Focused Workbook for Couples: The Two of Us (2nd edition). Veronica Kallos-Lilly, Jennifer Fitzgerald (2022). Taylor & Francis Ltd
Are you located in Brisbane and would like to pick up your own copy for $48.00? If so, Contact Us to reserve your personal copy.

A primer in EFIT: Cultivating fitness and growth in every client. (2022). Susan Johnson and Leanne Campbell (2021). Routledge NY.

Becoming an EFT therapist: the workbook (2nd edition). James Furrow, Susan Johnson and colleagues (2022). Routledge New York.

Emotionally focused therapy for families: Restoring connection and promoting resilience. James Furrow, Gail Palmer and colleagues (2019). Routledge NY.

Emotionally focused therapy with African American Couples. Paul Guillory (2022). Routledge NY.

The Emotionally Focused Casebook: New directions in treating couples (2011). Editors James Furrow, Susan Johnson and Brent Bradley. Routledge NY.

Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening attachment bonds. Susan M. Johnson (2002). The Guilford Press NY London.

Not “Just Friends”: Rebuilding trust and recovering your sanity after infidelity. Shirley Glass and Jean Coppock Staeheli (2003). Free Press NY.
This is not an EFT publication but is recommended reading for couples’ therapists.